Great Plains

Personal Project · Non-fiction illustrated book

Year: 2024


"Great Plains" is a personal project of a non-fiction illustrated book about the Native North American culture.

I illustrated, designed the layout and wrote the texts of four spreads.

This is the text that can be found in the opening spread, which serves as a precedent for the book:

"Across the vast and diverse lands of North America, a mosaic of indigenous cultures has flourished for millennia. Between mountains and deserts, Native American tribes have woven a tapestry of traditions, languages, and worldviews that have shaped the land and the people who inhabit it.

Let's delve into the daily lives, spiritual beliefs, ceremonial traditions, and social systems of the indigenous tribes. From sacred myths that narrate the creation of the world to traditional healing practices that seek balance between body and spirit.

From deep respect and cultural sensitivity: this is Great Plains."